Friday, February 24, 2006

Swollen and Tired

I am swollen and tired. There's not much more to say than that. I'm no longer interesting, fun, active or have anything intelligible to say. I am a big tired fatty. I went out today with my parents to celebrate my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom! And then I went to visit my brother Kevin and his wife Tiffany so that someone else could watch my kids while I vegged. I actually said, here are my kids I am going upstairs to take a bath in your tub. If you are getting a phone call from me and you are within a 100 mile radius, watch out. I'm calling to take advantage of you so that you will take care of me and my kids. I'm shameless and just want to take a nap and be fed. Better go turn off the ringer on your phone right now.


Unknown said...

If I were still there, I would be one of your suckers! Love you. Nicki

Anonymous said...

I love it! Call everyone you know! I love the whole "here are my kids I am going upstairs to take a bath in your tub" thing. Well done.

But here's what I want to know: what would you have done without kids? Reading your blog, I know you had a very exciting life before the kids arrived. Tell us those stories. I have read enough to know you have some! ; ) Bring it! (And relaying them is always invigorating!)

Your worst date ever?
The weirdest come on you've ever heard?
The cutest guy you did or did not get?
Stuff like that... come on... blog it. It will make you feel better. Gossip!

Gingers Mom said...

Nicki, I would have called you already! You are very missed.
Carly, I really do have no shame. I'll pawn them off on anyone I could think of. I'll work on some more juicy posts. Being a stay at home mom that makes it hard. It's so much of who I am. And a world that I never am away from. But I'll challenge myself.... said...

Kristin- I feel like I'm picking up someone's personal snail mail here. But since you decided to be on a international website - here I am!

The hippo is hilarious!

I enjoy dropping in on your mom life. Hang in there! said...

Kristin- I feel like I'm picking up someone's personal snail mail here. But since you decided to be on a international website - here I am!

The hippo is hilarious!

I enjoy dropping in on your mom life. Hang in there!

Trailady said...

HA HA- well you may feel like a hippo, but you are certainly much prettier! My last pregnancy was a real doozie. My feet & ankles swelled up badly the last month. I looked and felt like a whale. I'm glad that part's over with, but I do miss being 5-6 months pregnant. I felt good, got lots of attention and had the excitement of waking up every morning knowing that soon a new little one would join our family.