Monday, December 18, 2006

A new member of the family

We have a new member of the family. He looks a heck of alot like this guy:

In fact....that is his name. Steve Buscemi. Their resemblence is uncanny.

I am a little worried for Steve. My kids are behaving alot like this...


Pray for Steve. I'm not sure he's gonna make it....


Miss Kelly said...

You named your fish Steve Buscemi? That's freakin' hilarious!
Good luck, Steve. I think my kids would be a bunch of Darla's too...

Dr.John said...

We never gave our fish names they were just the fish. Of course none of them looked like Steve Buscemi.

Catch said...

well..your right....he does resemble Steve! lol...

Anonymous said...

Steve has always scared me since the Billy Madison episode.

Good luck with your Steve.

Anonymous said...

Kristin, you are HILARIOUS. I was cracking up over this post. Thanks for the laughs. I was totally unprepared for the goldfish!!!!!! :o)

The Domesticator said...

I love it! Very appropriate just tell me that one of your kids is NOT named Darla, are they? *LOL*

Miss Kelly said...

Darla does have red hair...hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

This blog entry has been reviewed by
I wonder how you scored?

Unknown said...

LOL! I needed a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

I like your fishie!