Saturday, July 22, 2006

Take a look in the mirror

I gotta get my act together. My house is a mess, I need to color my hair, clean out my puke smelling van andprojects that need to get done and my poor daughter NEEDS my attention. Of course, I just went through hell week with the sickies.... Red does nothing but watch TV and I can actually see the brain cells slipping away. I need new ideas on how to be a fun exciting mom. I feel like we never do anything but....well....nothing. Anyone out there have any fun outings, games, crafts, etc that would fun to do with my kids?


Gingers Mom said...

After you stop being so fat, we should take the babies there. (before you other readers start throwing rotten fruit at me, remember she is just pregnant)

Gingers Mom said...

I'll have to try that out. I know she loves the beach too. The question is do I really want to attempt this with 3 children on my own?? Heck, if I can handle all 3 at the commissary I can do anything.

BabelBabe said...

Look into your local library. Sometimes they have free storyhour. even if they don't, you can often set the kids loose and sit on the floor and well, not relax, but chill a wee little bit.
added attraction: they are often ACed, if your house isn't, and as mine is not.


Check out letterboxing.

My five- and three-yos are going to dig this, and if the baby is in the sturdy stroller, we can go anywhere : )

followed up by a simple picnic in the park, you can wear them out and then feel no guilt for plunking them in front of the TV for an hour when you get home.


local pool? We can get pool tags for the year for 60 bucks, and swim lessons cheap, and even the baby - esp. the baby - LOVES the pool. Esp. the baby pool, in whihc he can touch bottom if he hangs onto the side.


our local Barnes and Noble has a giant Thomas display with a train table with almost all the trains. I take the boys there to play, and I can sit with a coffee and watch them and meet other moms.

can you tell I spend my days trying to keep them occupied? : )