Monday, June 30, 2008

I've been busy...

rolling in money...

Um...not really. I have been keeping myself busy selling my stuff obsessively on Craigslist. When I get in these binges, nothing is safe. It's the way I make some extra money. I have a bank account that I never closed and use it to stash my cash so I can buy Christmas presents etc without Dan knowing. He's wise to the account of course, but he never knows how much I have. I think it drives him crazy. "We don't have secrets!" he will tell me righteously.

But, hell, I have earned....or stolen that money fair and square!

I'll shave off of the grocery bill now and then. I have my ways.

I was able to save up $600 for our trip to Hawaii.

My next project is Christmas. Dan deserves something nice. And although he would NEVER tell me it is HIS money. At birthday and Christmas time I feel like I am buying him presents with HIS money.

If I "steal" it from him first, I somehow feel self sufficient.

I'd share with you my sneaky ways of stashing money...but he's like BIG BROTHER...always listening. :) Can't let him catch on. He found my stash of cash once, before I had a chance to deposit it in the account and he started dipping into it. Tsk tsk. Rookie mistake, GingersMom.


Unknown said...

That's's your cookie jar.

Gingers Mom said...

I'll never tell!

Dr.John said...

The games married people play are endless but this is the first I have run into money stashing. I wonder if it could be done as a WII game by Nintendo.

Queen of the Mayhem said...

I caught Mr. Mayhem digging in my wallet for cash and I felt like I had another child! Wait! I feel like that quite often! :)

Caro said...

If you could pm me, I would love to know how you bring in some extra. :-) Christmas is looming.

Jez said...

Haha! I do the same thing. I stash money cause I don't wanna say "Here honey,look what you bought you for Christmas". LMAO!