Thursday, March 07, 2013

Luxury Pet Bed

Lately I have been experimenting with several home projects and Pinterest ideas.  My latest venture fell into my lap.  I saw this cabinet on the side of the road, waiting for garbage day!
It was pretty gross, and my daughter was fairly disgusted but I hauled it home.  I saw a recipe for DIY Chalk Paint and jumped right in - after another super fun trip to Home Depot. 
I bought Turquoise and Pink flat interior paint and  Non-Sanded Grout in white.  Away we go!!
Recipe: 1 cup flat paint
2 tbsp Non-sanded grout
Water (to desired consistency)

I followed one blogger's recommendation and I added the grout first and then a little water to get it to dissolve a bit and then added the paint.  Stir stir stir!!!!!!!  An old hand mixer would be great for this.

No sanding or priming needed.  This one was flaking ALOT so I did some sanding but not much.

2 coats, then sanded to make it distressed.   Followed up with Minwax Paste Finishing Wax.   I plan to buy a little cushion instead of the blanket.  But I love how it turned out!

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