Saturday, February 18, 2006

God works in mysterious ways

A few months ago, I really felt like God was asking me to pray for someone. This someone was the little sister of an old boyfriend of mine from college. Her name is Mollie. I always adored her and thought she was very special, but had not spoken to her in almost 8 years! (uh-oh....I'm revealing my age) Anyway, I could not shake this nagging feeling like she needed prayer. So I went on the internet and googled their family. I was so sad to learn that just a year ago - that day - Mollie and her husband lost their 8 month old little girl. My heart sank, I felt so heavy and all that I could do was pray. What a terrible, horrific experience. I can only imagine what I would do if faced with that kind of pain. So I prayed and prayed for her peace and healing. But that didn't seem like it was enough. I decided to send a letter to her parents. I did not want to upset her, and felt weird about contacting her brother after all these years. (who is now married with 6 children of his own!) I wrote that God loved them and wanted peace and happiness for them in the midst of their grief and just to let them know that Dan and I were praying for them. A few months went by, with no word about whether they received my letter and began to doubt myself. The last thing I had wanted was to stir up old hurts and upset anyone.
I was just thinking about her the other day when I went home and there was an email from Mollie's mom. They were happy to hear from me and were grateful that I had written them. And THEN today I got an email from Mollie herself. She filled me in a little about her daughter's life and how she died. I think I was most amazed because in just the words of her email, I could sense her joy. God had really healed her over the last year and it has strengthened her relationship with Him. What an amazing testimony. I set out trying to minister to her, and in the end I feel as if I have been ministered to.


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you!!! I'm so glad you followed your heart and wrote to them. Your right God does work in mysterious ways!! We are so blessed to have such an amazing relationship with him.

Love you

Trailady said...

This has happened to me before & it's always amazing how the Holy Spirit can speak to our hearts in such a way. What a sad story!! God will get them through this...